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Jet values and lease rates November 2013 Download PDF

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The following tables reflect the current values (not “fair market”) and lease rates for narrowbody and widebody jets. Figures are provided by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company (see following page for contact details) and are not based exclusively on recent market transactions but more generally reflect AVAC’s opinion of the worth of the aircraft. In assessing current values, AVAC bases its calculations on many factors such as number of type in service, number on order and backlog, projected life span, build standard, specification etc.

Lease rates are calculated independently of values and are all market based.

Jet Values
NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years
old old old old old old
CRJ 900 27.7 20.3 Emb 175 24.7 18.2 11.7
CRJ 1000 30 Emb195 31.7 24
CRJ300-ER 35
S100-95 21.7
NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years
old old old old old old
A318 24.4 17.8 9.6 717-200 6.5
A319 (HGW) 34.5 25.7 737-300 (LGW) 2.3
A320-200 (IGW) 27.4 21.4 9.5 737-400 (LGW) 3.5
A320NEO 48.5 737-500 (LGW) 2.5
A321-200 (LGW,Sharklets) 48.7 737-600 (LGW) 10.7
A321NEO 56.4 737-700 (LGW,Winglets) 23.7 18.2
737-700 (HGW,Winglets) 36.7
737-800 (LGW,Winglets) 31.1 23.6
737-800(HGW,Winglets) 47.2
737-900ER 33.7
757-300 (LGW) 15.2
MD-88 1.1
NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years
old old old old old old
A300B4-600 (IGW) 6.4 747-400 (PW 4000) 30.9 15.2
A310-300 (IGW) 3.2 747-800 167.6 4.8
A330-300 (IGW) 36.1 767-300ER (LGW) 40 31.8 15.5
A340-300 ER 30 777-200ER 98.8 78.6 58.3
A350-800 129 777-300ER 164.5 132.1 99.8
A350-900 134.5 787-800 111.8
A380-800 (LGW) 206.9 164.1 787-900 125.8
A380-800 (HGW) 217.5 MD-11P 9.3
Source: AVAC
Notes: As assessed at end-October 2013, mid-range values for all types
Jet Lease Rates
NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years
old old old old old old
CRJ 900 219 177 Emb 175 208 170 131
CRJ 1000 248 Emb195 261 219
CRJ300-ER 287
S100-95 181
NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years
old old old old old old
A318 180 148 100 717-200 96
A319 (HGW) 221 282 737-300 (LGW) 59
A320-200 (IGW) 234 209 111 737-400 (LGW) 75
A320NEO 382 737-500 (LGW) 47
A321-200 (LGW,Sharklets) 385 737-600 (LGW) 101
A321NEO 445 737-700 (LGW,Winglets) 207 168
737-700 (HGW,Winglets) 310
737-800 (LGW,Winglets) 275 221
737-800(HGW,Winglets) 351
737-900ER 281
757-300 (LGW) 143
MD-88 42
NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years NEW 5 years 10 years 20 years
old old old old old old
A300B4-600 (IGW) 94 747-400 (PW 4000) 332 205
A310-300 (IGW) 73 747-800 1,470
A330-300 (IGW) 397 767-300ER (LGW) 371 352 233
A340-300 ER 371 777-200ER 870 755 617
A350-800 998 777-300ER 1542 1264 985
A350-900 1104 787-800 868
A380-800 (LGW) 1748 1485 787-900 973
A380-800 (HGW) 1863 MD-11P 136
Source: AVAC
Notes: As at end-October 2013, lease rates assessed separately from values

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